General Tools Board Straightener Jig Kit
For nearly 85 years General Tools has grown to become the recognized industry leader for specialty hand tools and instruments. The jointer clamp is a simple, inexpensive way to true up a piece of stock on a table saw! Clamp your stock on one side and the jointer clamp acts as a guide against the table saw’s rip fence (Guide board not included). Unlike a jointer, which normally requires several passes to produce a true edge, only one pass through the saw with the jointer clamp is required to produce a straight edge. It’s never been easier or more economical to make straight and even edges on any size stock. No need buy a jointer, with the jointer clamp kit, all you need is your table saw. Simply attach to a straight board that has been rabbeted out at the bottom, clamp it to your stock and go! Straighten crooked boards, true-up rough-dawn edges, and make shallow taper cuts with positive control all in one pass with your table saw and jointer clamp
Straighten any length of lumber using your table saw.
Just Mount the clamps to a guide board to create a straight reference guide
Get a straight edge every time with no extra waste
Works on any length of stock up to 2 In. thick