Frogtape CF 160 Painters Tape Delicate Surface Yellow 36mm x 55m
Premium grade, delicate-surface painter’s tape for interior use on freshly painted surfaces (24 hours old), faux finishes, primed wallboard and coated wallpaper. CF 160 (FrogTape brand painter’s tape) is a low adhesion masking tape made with PaintBlock® Technology, a super-absorbent polymer that reacts with the water in latex paint and instantly gels to form a micro-barrier that seals the edges of the tape to prevent paint bleed and deliver very sharp paint lines.
Premium grade, delicate surface FrogTape brand painter’s tape
Low adhesion
Treated with PaintBlock® Technology that seals tape edges for very sharp paint lines
60-day clean removal
Housed in a plastic canister to protect tape edges for longer shelf life
Washi paper backing
Acrylic-based adhesive