Echo FasTension Tool Less Chain Tensioning System For Chainsaws
Echo’s FasTension™ (99988802200) is a tool-less chain tensioning system for the CS-370 and CS-400 chainsaws. FasTension makes chain tensioning adjustments quick and easy without use of a scrench or tightening tool. Designed with a rotating lever that replaces locking nuts and a tensioning wheel that replaces an adjustment screw, FasTension allows for adjustments to be made in four easy steps for the perfect amount of tension in less time over traditional methods.
Tool-Less Chain Tensioning: For making adjustments in-field adjustments without access to a scrench or other tool
Easy Installation and Operation: Replaces existing sprocket cover on CS-370 and CS-400
Save Time when adjusting Chain Tension: In just four simple steps
Metal/Plastic material